U.S. Embassy Doha

Located on a 12.3-acre site in a new diplomatic zone within the Wadi al Banat district of Qatar’s capital city, the new U.S. Embassy in Doha will support the continued expansion of U.S.–Qatari diplomatic, security, and commercial relations and embody the mission of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) to provide safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities, that ensure a robust platform for U.S. diplomacy abroad. The project’s sustainable design, construction, and operations will represent the best of U.S. architecture, engineering, and construction execution. Completion is anticipated in 2026. 

Design & Construction

Once a lucrative center for pearl diving, Doha is now a dense metropolis of skyscrapers and world-class museums. The design of the new U.S. Embassy evokes the rich history of Qatar and the Gulf, creating architecture that exhibits American values and responds to Qatari culture and traditions. Large shade structures — inspired by traditional Bedouin tent forms — mark entry plazas, recreational areas, and residential terraces. Stone-clad arcades, reminiscent of the historic souqs, unify the campus with shaded pathways between buildings and define outdoor court, plaza, and garden spaces. A contemporary brise-soleil surrounds the Chancery and reinterprets the fabric screens commonly used throughout the Gulf for protection from the elements. The lightweight, sail-like envelope protects the building and its occupants from the desert sun while diffusing and distributing natural daylight deep into the building. Recognizing the importance of water to this desert enclave, the landscape design includes water features to create cooler micro-climates around the site. By visually connecting the features to the stormwater capture and irrigation systems, the landscape displays the stewardship of a coveted resource by showing the systems that make it possible. 

Resiliency & Stewardship

The design applies a holistic approach to environmental responsibility and incorporates a range of energy efficiency strategies that address extreme seasonal conditions and enhance building performance. The Chancery will include an automated building controls system, high efficiency plumbing fixtures, and a self-shading exterior shell designed to reduce solar heat gain. Photovoltaics will supply 17 percent of the Chancery’s annual electricity use. The landscape design incorporates native, drought-resistant plants and trees that provide shade and reduce site irrigation needs. Additionally, all stormwater will be managed on site through a series of runnels and terraced basins, which will serve double duty as storage and water features. The project is designed to achieve LEED® Silver certification by the U.S. Green Building Council — a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building design and construction strategies and best practices.